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How can you help support your local Animal Centre?

There are a number of ways in which you can help the animals in our care.

Our residents love to receive gifts from our Amazon wish list,  food parcels, toys to poo bags are all greatly received!

Another way to support our residents is by making a one off donation to the Animal Centre, please make sure to add on Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.
This means we can claim an extra 25% of your donation from H.M. Govt with no extra cost to yourself.
One off donations can be made via Just Giving or PayPal online or by sending a cheque through the post. 

If you are able, you are welcome to visit the Animal Centre on New Cut Lane, PR8 3DW to give a donation in person, our reception team are ready to greet you.


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Provide a 'Safe Haven' by sponsoring a Kennel or Cat Pod

Our Animal Centre relies solely on the contributions of our Branch Members and Supporters. Even if you are already a Member of the RSPCA, you can do more for the animals in our care by helping to provide that 'Safe Haven' by sponsoring an animal's accommodation. In this way, you will be helping us to care for our many abandoned, cruelly treated and unwanted animals.


Our Animal Centre is operational 365 days of the year and cares for cats and dogs. The monthly subscription to 'Safe Haven' an animal is from as little as £5.00 for a cat and £10 for a dog. You will receive a 'Safe Haven' Certificate, a copy of any newsletter and updates of our fund-raising events. Plus you will have the pleasure of knowing that you are doing something practical to help.


As a sponsor you will be able to book a one-to-one guided  tour (approx. half hour) of the Animal Centre each year from 11.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. (excluding Wednesday and weekends) when we will be pleased to show you what is going on.


The Animal Centre relies on the generous support given by your sponsorship.

Please complete the 'Safe Haven' application form and return it to our Branch Manager.


Lastly, do you have a friend or relative who has everything? Then why not gift them a sponsorship and we will send you the Certificate so that you can present it to them!

If you just wish to quickly sponsor without the 'fuss' then please donate monthly via PayPal by selecting an option below. 
Please remember to click
"make this a monthly donation"

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All Donations & gifts are greatly received by Staff,

Volunteers & resident animals!

Your support makes a

HUGE difference to the lives

of hundreds of cats & dogs

every year that we care for,

Thank you!




Committed to making a difference with




Your Local RSPCA Charity

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Did you know that RSPCA Southport, Ormskirk & District Branch is a separately registered charity responsible for raising the majority of its own running costs?


These costs are met from money raised or donated locally. Charges made for adoptions, the sale of pet foods, together with other Animal Centre income do not meet all of our running costs. Money also comes from our Charity Shop, collections and fund-raising events such as our Summer and Christmas fairs - but unfortunately all of this still does not meet all of the bills.


Legacies provide the Branch with a valuable source of income, not only to meet the day-today running costs of the Animal Centre, but also the funds to undertake capital projects such as the new cattery. Bids are also made to other national charities as appropriate and the national RSPCA.


Have you thought of remembering RSPCA Southport, Ormskirk and District Branch in your Will?

This is easy to do - even if you have already written your Will - your solicitor can easily prepare the paperwork. In order to ensure that your local RSPCA Branch benefits from your generosity please ensure that you say that you wish your legacy to go to

“RSPCA Southport, Ormskirk & District Branch, Charity No. 232258”.


You can give a specific sum of money, an item, or a piece of property (this is called a pecuniary legacy), or part of what is left after your other gifts and bills have been dealt with (this is called a residuary legacy).


If you would like to help with a gift to the RSPCA in your Will, your solicitor might use the following suggested wording:


“I give the sum of £__________ (or specify a share of the residue) to RSPCA Southport, Ormskirk & District Branch (registered charity number 232258) and I declare that the receipt of the honorary treasurer or other proper officer of the said Branch shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said Legacy”


This will ensure that your legacy will be spent locally and be used to support the animals in our care well into the future.

- and on behalf of the animals in our care – “thank you”.

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Branch Membership

If you would like to become a member of our Branch, please join the national Society at


Please note that as part of the application process, you will be asked if you wish for your details to be sent to your local branch. If you live in another Branch area, or wish confirm which branch area you are in, please call RSPCA membership services on 0300 123 0346 to ask. You may also request to be affiliated to any other branch.


Branch membership can also be the first step to becoming a Branch Trustee


You will also be a member of the national Society and be able to vote nationally, thus influencing animal welfare nationally and internationally and receive their periodic publications. 


Southport, Ormskirk & District Branch

The RSPCA Animal Centre, New Cut Lane, Southport, PR8 3DW

All Rights Reserved © 2023 - RSPCA Southport, Ormskirk & District Branch
Charity Registration Number: 232258

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