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Intake of Public Animals

Our Branch looks after animals from some of the most serious cases of cruelty and neglect in the country. We prioritise our kennel and cattery space for the national RSPCA and for cats & dogs rescued from such situations. Therefore it is not always possible to take in animals directly from the general pubic for other social & domestic reasons..


Bearing this in mind, always call us first on 01704 567624 to check if we have room, rather than expecting us to take in an animal irrespective of whether or not we have space. You may have to ring around a number of alternative local animal welfare charities before you find the help that you need.


On an occasion when we do have space, we will readily take in healthy / rehomable cats & dogs directly from the general pubic. At such times, our priority will focus upon animals in the most need of our help . However, please note that we will only take in animals that are currently up to date with their vaccinations (in the interest of sickness & disease control).


When taking in public animals we do ask for a donation to help towards the costs of their care, we ask for a minimum of £25per animal.


In addition if the animal isn't vaccinated we may ask for a higher donation. We ask for donations due to the high costs to house a cat or dog while they search for a new home.  It costs our charity £400 per month to keep a cat in our care and nearly £500 for a dog and in some cases it can take many months to find them a new home.



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